Saturday, August 3, 2019

Friday, August 2, 2019

I (Anna) had the pleasure of appearing on the Random Trek...

I (Anna) had the pleasure of appearing on the Random Trek podcast, talking about the season 6 episode Quality of Life, which is hilariously fashion-free, but DOES have these adorable little robots in it. Are they “alive”? Listen to Scott and me discuss it here!

* This article was originally published here

Monday, July 29, 2019

Bloodlines - 7.22

Charlie’s in Amsterdam, and I’m in my home office where the ceiling just started leaking. LET’S DO THIS.

This episode opens with a probe:

Don’t bother with the undercarriage wash, it’s a ripoff

Who’s calling? Why, a Ferengi in a Ferengi-ass outfit:

I’m a ghooooooost Ferengiiiiii

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Patrick Stewart to reprise Star Trek role

Patrick Stewart to reprise Star Trek role:

A little late to the game here, but… WHAT WILL HE WEAR? I’m not *not* opposed to it being this caj tee & jeans look. Thanks to friend of the blog Nathan for the tip!

* This article was originally published here