Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Vegan Fashion Week charges forward with live stream event

Vegan Fashion Week charges forward with live stream event
In light of the cancelation of more fashion-related events such as the postponement of Los Angeles Fashion Week or the 2020 Met Gala, Vegan Fashion Week has held its plans to continue on. However, how the event will be held is taking a shift.
Vegan Fashion Week charges forward with live stream event
For the health and safety of those involved with the occasion, Vegan Fashion Week’s founder Emmanuelle Rienda will be shifting the format of the event to a streaming service, according to California Apparel News. Originally schedule for April 3 and 4 at The Void in Los Angeles—complete with a showroom, a panel series, and a fashion show—Vegan Fashion Week will be streamed online behind closed doors, without an audience present.
Vegan Fashion Week charges forward with live stream event
Due to the format shift of the event, Vegan Fashion Week will forego some of its scheduled events in order to push forth its mission and spread its message.
Vegan Fashion Week charges forward with live stream event
Image: Dale Arden Chong

* This article was originally published here

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