Monday, January 16, 2023

Vogue magazine to reduce print issues to 10 editions per year

Image: Jean Picon / Saywho The future of printed fashion magazines has once again come under scrutiny, as Vogue, arguably the world’s most recognisable style publication, is to shrink its schedule to 10 issues per year. The number of publications will be reduced from 11, a schedule Conde Nast has adhered to over the past three years, prior to being a monthly release. With the most recent issue called “Winter” issue, it will likely combine two months. The publisher also combines its June and July issues since 2020. Many publications have ceased print issues or drastically reduced their physical magazine presence as consumer shift to digital. In a digital-first world, content connects people, engages readers, and build brands, in addition to allowing publishers to track data and readership.

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