Monday, August 14, 2023

L’Officiel reaches settlement agreement over failure to pay freelancers

L'Officiel Malaysia cover. Credits: L'Officiel, AMTD. L’Officiel USA, the American subsidiary of the French media firm, has announced that it has come to a final resolution over its alleged failure to pay freelancers, without the admission of wrongdoing. The agreement was reached with the City of New York, which had sued the agency back in November 2021 in light of claims that it violated the region’s ‘Freelance Isn’t Free Act’. L’Officiel must now pay more than 275,000 dollars to 41 freelancers who had come forward with related complaints, and will be required to comply with the act going forward. In a release, Mayer Eric Adams reaffirmed New York’s support of workers’ rights, adding: “We will not tolerate companies that fail to pay freelance workers what they’re owed. Under this agreement, we will ensure the 41 freelancers who worked for L’Officiel get the money to which they’re entitled and ensure these violations do not happen again. “Let this serve as a lesson: If you try to take freelance workers for a ride, we will hold you accountable. I urge any freelancer not properly paid by L’Officiel for their work to file a claim as quickly as possible.” In his own statement, Feridun Hamdullahpr, chairman of AMTD Idea’s board of directors and member of L’Officiel USA’s board, said: "We are steadfastly committed to the growth and success of L'Officiel USA. “Resolution of this matter reflects L'Officiel's overall commitment to a diverse and fair environment and its relationship with all its business partners, including the freelancers community. “This commitment reflects the spirit and goal of AMTD companies to embrace ESG and diversity.”

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