Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Why scent marketing in fashion stores leaves you wanting more

The Power of Scent
Marketing. Credits:

A subtle fresh scent that makes customers linger in a fashion store
longer or strange food or even sweat odours in the store? A choice that’s
quite easily made, you might say. The effect of scent, in general but also
in retail, is often underestimated, yet it has a powerful impact. That's
why FashionUnited speaks with Transduce about the opportunities of scent
marketing in stores, which scents work well, and the unexpectedly positive
effects a scent can have.

When we talk about scent marketing, we are not talking about the
overwhelming scent that many people still remember from Abercrombie &
Fitch. Moreover, that scent is not perceived as positive. With scent
marketing, it's also not about a few scent sticks placed in the store.
"That has only a local effect, and you really need to know the air currents
in the store very well to make them effective." Now that some prejudices
have been cleared away, the question arises: what is scent marketing

Scent Marketing in Stores: Transduce on the Effects of a Good and
Natural Scent

Rebeca Barbulescu and Kimberlynn Chaves of Transduce came up with the
idea to start working with scent marketing somewhat by coincidence. Chaves
grew up with the use of essential oils, while Barbulescu did not. They met
at a young age when they were among the few with dark hair in Zoetermeer.
"It creates a bond," Chaves says during the interview. "We also realised
more and more that we share the same norms and values."

As teenagers, the two joked about starting a company together, but they
could not have foreseen that they would eventually found Transduce. Chaves
wanted to become a diplomat and Barbulescu went to hospitality school.
Eventually, the two reunited in their careers at the beginning of the
pandemic when Chaves decided to pursue her love for essential oils and
Barbulescu saw an opportunity for the hotel industry here.

"This way, for example, we could create a scent for a hotel guest with jet
lag, making them feel energetic again," Chaves told FashionUnited. This
planted the seed for Transduce, but soon the two realised that with scent
marketing they could tap into so many more industries, such as healthcare,
retail, and even hospitality.

Natural scents have an effect on the limbic system of humans. This
system regulates emotions and affects long-term memory. "That's where we
can play nicely with our scents," says Chaves. "Each oil has a different
effect, so we can tailor our response to the needs of our customer. An oil
can affect the nervous system by giving a refreshing feeling or creating
more of a peaceful feeling."

Chaves emphasises that Transduce uses only natural and no synthetic
scents. "It's like olive oil, the first press of the oil is the best.
Essential oils that you often buy in natural stores smell lovely but are
often the tenth or eleventh press in the distillation process. They don't
have the same powerful effect. We focus on quality, making the effect of
the oil stronger."

About Transduce:

Transduce works for both B2B and
B2C clients. The company offers a range of ready-made scents but can also
create custom scents for businesses. This process takes about five months.
This scent can be used by the company in offices, business premises, and
stores, but Transduce can also produce it as a white-label scent so it can
be given to customers. Transduce only uses natural oils and no synthetics.
The effect of these oils has been extensively researched on a scientific
basis for over two and a half years. "The company and the concept must be
right," say Chaves and Barbulescu. The two have also created a diffuser
that guarantees optimal dispersal of the scent. The consumer version is
successful for smaller spaces up to 30 square metres. The scent machines
for businesses can be used in spaces up to 10,000 cubic metres. Transduce
assesses with each client where these scent machines can best be placed in
the space.

Transduce now has various clients, from hotels to retailers, such as
optical group GrandVision. A custom scent was developed with the Transduce
team for the optical group. The group mainly wanted to evoke brand
recognition with the scent and ensure that customers stayed longer in the
store. A scent was developed and tested in the stores.

"Surprising results emerged from that which we had not expected. For
example, we had not considered what it did to the employees," says
Barbulescu. The employees found it much more pleasant to be in the store,
started their day with fresh energy, and no longer had an afternoon dip.
"The employees also indicated that they felt valued by their boss because
more attention was paid to the working environment."

An additional benefit is that the perception of consumers about
GrandVision's store changed, as shown by research from an external party.
"Due to the pleasant scent, customers had the impression that GrandVision
cares about the well-being of the employees and customers. In addition,
consumers also look at how transparent a brand is and what they convey
outwardly. Natural scents are more quickly associated with transparency,
authenticity, and honesty."

Rebeca Barbulescu and Kimberlynn Chaves, founders of
Transduce Credits: TransduceOpting for
Scent in the Store? Choose These to Keep Your Customers in the
Store Longer

Is there a one-stop solution for every retailer? "There are scents that
are popular, but we find that many of our clients still want to create
their own scent for brand recognition. We live in a world with a lot of
competition, so brands want to differentiate themselves in a certain way,"
says Barbulescu. But if one scent had to be chosen, citrus scents are
widely popular. "They are very invigorating," Chaves says.

"They are usually present as a base in every scent and are often used as
a top note. A scent is composed of top notes, heart notes, and base notes."
Top notes are the first to be smelled but also dissipate the fastest.
"Citrus is truly an attention grabber and keeps you alert." Chaves explains
that the symphony of different notes makes a scent rich and appealing to a
large audience.

"We often add a warm undertone because our retail clients naturally want
customers to stay in the store as long as possible to increase the chance
of a purchase or to engage them," Chaves explains. "So, the warm undertone
creates a feeling of calm and comfort, which is very important." A
combination of citrus scents with a warm undertone is therefore often
recommended for retail by Transduce.

The scent ultimately chosen depends entirely on the goal the retailer or
company has in mind. Transduce prefers to be involved in an experiential
concept as early as possible, "so that we can truly embody the brand."
Usually, it is possible to predict in advance what scent will result, but
sometimes there are still surprises.

"For example, we recently had a briefing from a company that wanted a
fresh and especially non-floral scent. We came up with all sorts of fresh
scents, but they said: 'This is just not it, but we can't put our finger on
what it should be.' Eventually, we became stubborn and presented them with
a floral scent without saying what was in it, and that scent they
ultimately chose." Floral scents are sometimes put in a corner because
people quickly associate them with excessively sweet scents, while they can
shine in a bouquet of scents.

Scent marketing in retail: It's already very normal in Southern

For scent marketing in retail, there are still plenty of opportunities
in Northern Europe. "At the moment, the concept is much more accepted in
Southern Europe and the United States. In Southern Europe and the Middle
East, they really play on the emotion, while here we think rather
rationally about what colour the wall should be, what lights are used. In
Italy and for example in the United Arab Emirates, the focus is on the
experience," Barbulescu explains. There are plenty of opportunities because
even in countries where scent marketing is already accepted, there are
opportunities for Transduce. For example, they help brands and companies
switch their scents from synthetic ingredients to natural ones.

Barbulescu and Chaves see the future of scent marketing as a future that
moves away as much as possible from synthetic scents. "It also becomes more
personalised and focused on the needs of the customer. A few years ago, it
was more 'mass equals cash'," Barbulescu outlines. "As a third trend, we
see that scent marketing is emerging in all industries. Not only retail and
hospitality, but also fitness spaces, health clubs, healthcare
institutions, even the hospitality industry. They all think together: 'We
want to work on our well-being.'"

So, there are plenty of opportunities, and it is clear that scent
marketing leaves people wanting more.

This article was originally published on FashionUnited.NL.
Translation and edit from Dutch into English: Veerle Versteeg.

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