Friday, August 9, 2019

Encounter at Farpoint - 1.1-1.2


I’m sure that by now most of you have realized that it’s Anna who does the heavy lifting here. I’ve had a busy couple of months, but that’s no excuse that any blogger worth their salt would put forward in earnest apology, so let me just hang my head in shame for a second, and then we can move on.

PART OF THE PROBLEM was that I bit off a little more than I could chew. Encounter at Farpoint is a giant beast of an episode—the very first, of course. But before we get into it, I’d like us to take a little trip down memory lane. Pretend the year is 1987, and the prior TV season, four of the top 5 television shows were sitcoms, and the one drama was Murder She Wrote. And these guys march into Paramount’s television office with balls of brass and propose a space show based off of a series from the ‘50s that ran for three seasons, and then put out a handful of movies. Wow. Wow.

A few magical months (years?) later, here we are… Episode I. There are a lot of dramatic introductory shots, most especially this one which is LITERALLY THE FIRST THING YOU SEE in the whole show:


I don’t know what this show’s about, but I know it’s got a bald man and some wooden walls.

Keep reading

ON THIS DAY 30 years ago…THE WORLD CHANGED FOREVER. Here’s Charlie’s fashion recap of the two-part premiere of TNG. 

* This article was originally published here

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