Wednesday, March 2, 2022

66°North receives B Corp certification

Image: 66°North SS22 Outerwear brand 66°North has become the first Icelandic company to receive B Corp certification, reinforcing its “made for life” approach to fashion. “Earning a B Corp Certification with a score of 93.5 validates 66°North’s longtime commitment to doing business in a way that’s thoughtful and considerate of the planet,” said Helgi Rúnar Óskarsson, chief executive of 66°North in a statement. “We are proud to be the first Icelandic brand to receive this distinction and look forward to continuing to build a purpose-driven brand.” 66°North, originally founded as a matter of survival for Icelandic fishermen, has been creating multipurpose outerwear for nearly 100 years. The company has been carbon neutral since 2019 and creates products that combine durable materials that are traceable and certified to the highest standard, along with a design philosophy and manufacturing techniques that eliminate waste and ensure longevity. As part of its commitment to the planet and to reduce long-term consumption, 66°North also offers a repair service for everything the brand has sold over the past century. Nille Skalts, chief executive and founder of the Nordic B Corp Movement, added: “I am honoured to welcome to the B Corp movement 66°North as the very first Icelandic B Corp. It is an endeavour for any company to become a certified B Corp, but it is even more so when you become the first B Corp of your country. “Being a pioneer trailblazing the way for others to follow takes dedication and courage, as you’re treading a path that no one has tread before you. I could not think of a more fitting company than 66°North to lead the way for the B Corp movement in Iceland.” 66°North states that achieving B Corp Certification is only the beginning and that it is continually learning and improving its operations across all areas of its business. It adds that it is on track to reach a B Impact Score at its next assessment in three years, which would place the brand among the top three sustainable outerwear brands globally. Image: 66°North SS22 Image: 66°North SS22

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